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Bed and Breakfast in VicenzaAccommodation in Vicenza

Tour of Vicenza Italy and Teatro Olimpico

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Teatro Olimpico

Designed in 1580 by Andrea Palladio for the Accademia Olimpica, Teatro Olimpico was Palladio's last work, and the first single-standing roofed theatre building in modern history. It is also the first indoor theater in the world.  The theater is directly across from the museum (Palazzo Chiericati) which has a tribute to Giambatista Tiepolo and other famous renaissance painters.  Your eye will be quickly caught by the stage, at the center of which is a large arch capped by the emblem of the town.  The main body of the stage represents a square, while behind it are the five streets of Tebe, created by Scamozzi who went beyond Palladio's original intentions.  Palladio however provided Teatro Olimpico with a real sense of space and depth.  The center seat (usually reserved for nobles) offers an optical illusion as the street appears to go off into the distance quite a way.



Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza

Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza

Villa Valmarana - La Rotonda - Valle del Silenzio - Museo del Risorgimento - Chiesa di Monte Berico - Piazza di Monte Berico - Arco delle Scalette  -  Garden Break
Ponte San Michele - Piazza dei Signori - La Basilica - Torre dei Bissari Il Duomo - Cripto Portico  -  Chiesa di Santa Corona  -  Palazzo Chiericati - Teatro Olimpico

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Bed and breakfast accomodation in Vicenza Italy
Tour of Vicenza Italy and Teatro Olimpico
telephone  +39  335 5729190
Accomodation in ItalyAccommodation in ItalyBed & breakfast in ItalyHotels in Vicenza Sunstreams Consulting Tours of ItalyItaly accommodationTeatro OlímpicoAccommodation Italy