Villa holidays in northern Italy

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Northern Italian villas near Vicenza Italy - Itinerary 3

Itinerary 3 is about 71 kilometers and can easily be done by rental car from Bob and Jenny's Bed and Breakfast.  Other nearby villas not pictured here which can be visited include Villa Negri Ceroni, Villa Thiene, Villa Mezzalira and Villa Comello.


Villa Imperiali Lampertico

Built in 1691 just a few kilometers outside of Vicenza, Villa Imperiali Lampertico is surrounded by an immense park.  Projecting only slightly forward, the center of the facade has four ionic pilasters and arched windows.  The family coat of arms is found on its triangular tympanum near the doorway.

Villa Imperiali LamperticoVilla Imperiali Lampertico


Villa Valmarana Scagnolari Zen

Located 10 kilometers from Vicenza in Bolzano Vicentino, Villa Valmarana Scagnolari Zen was supposed to have a portico and loggia in the center section bound by tower like wings.  The original plan was based on designs by Andrea Palladio but changes made during construction altered it forever.  The villa was damaged during the war but has since been restored.  Noteworthy are the statues and the chapel built in 1615.

Villa Valmarana ScagnolariVilla Valmarana Scagnolari Zen


Villa Cappello

In contrast to the Venetian architectural style of the times in the late 16th century, Villa Cappello was attributed to architect F. Zamberlan.  Resembling the peripteros of ancient temples, Villa Cappello stands out with its grand ionic colonnade on all four sides.  It is now the town hall in the town of Cartigliano.

Villa CappelloVilla Cappello


Villa Dolfin Boldł

Built in the late 18th century by an unknown architect, Villa Dolfin Boldł has a neo-classical portico which faces a large courtyard.  Although the portico was added later, it blends well with the rest of the building.  There is a nice collection of stuffed wild animals in an annex and a beautiful park surrounding the villa.

Villa Dolfin BoldłVilla Dolfin Boldł


Villa Rezzonico

Built towards the end of the 17th century for the Rezzonico family just outside of Bassano, Villa Rezzonico was most likely the work architect of B. Longhene.  In the main hall are paintings by A. Canova, D. Pellegrini, G. B. Volpato and G. Busato, while the statues and stuccos are the classic work of Canova.  Of particular interest is the little chapel on the road leading up to the villa.

Villa RezzonicoVilla Rezzonico


Villa Angarano Bianchi Michiel

Located in Bassano del Grappa, Villa Angarano Bianchi Michiel was built in the 17th century in the style favored by arhcitect B. Longhena.  Framed by two Doric porticoes, the curving tympanum adorned by statues is a bit unusual for the time. The center section of the villa has arched windows which are connected by a balustrade and separated by pilasters.  There is a quaint little chapel to the right of the villa.

Villa Angarano Bianchi MichielVilla Angarano Bianchi Michiel


Villa Cornaro

Built in the late 17th century in Romano D'Ezzelino near Bassano, Villa Cornaro is a large villa with portico, orangeries and a chapel.  The portico and the chapel were both expanded in 1772, and the orangeries by Vincenzo Scamozzi contribute to the beauty of the park.  A more recent but equally attractive addition is the set of stairs leading out to the park from the garden which were added by O. Torre in 1925.

Villa CornaroVilla Cornaro


Villa Negri Piovene Porto Godi

Standing majestically on top of a little hill in Mussolente just past Bassano, Villa Negri Piovene Porto Godi was the work of architects A. Negri and A. Gaidon in 1763.  The carefully calculated perspective of the various elements and the long stairase leading up to the villa create a theatrical effect.  The villa is harmonioiusly framed by a lovely park.

Villa Negri Piovene Porto GodiVilla Negri Piovene Porto Godi

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Northern Italian villas - Travel itinerary 4

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